The Altitude Centre is the UK’s number 1 altitude training specialist. Founded in 2003 The Altitude Centre has become the leading company in its field. Their clients include National Governing Bodies, Sports Teams, Olympic Champions, Climbers and members of the general public and for those reasons we’ve partnered with them.
City Mountaineering has teamed up with The Altitude Centre to make sure we offer you the best possible chance of summiting or completing your adventures with us. Investing in your preparation is not only important for your chances of summiting but also for your enjoyment when you’re on the mountain. There’s not a lot these guys don’t know about how you should train and the affects of altitude on the body…
Training at altitude has been proven to not only improve your ability to cope on the higher mountains, but has also proven to be the most effective and efficient way to get fit. So whether you aim to climb Mount Everest, or Mount Snowdon, The Altitude Centre can help.

We have been working closely with The Altitude Centre for a number of years now, offering free consultations and unlimited use of their facilities offered free for anyone joining our Kilimanjaro trips. Last year they opened on Saturday mornings exclusively for the Kilimanjaro team to train together.
When you visit, the team will take the time to understand your personal goals and will tailor your training specifically for your own needs. On a consultation, they will spent up to an hour checking blood pressure, measuring heart rate, looking at oxygen levels (at rest and under stress) and then explaining what it all means.
Another Level of fitness
You think you know about your body and training for mountains? These guys go another level and we love it! Having the data behind the science makes the training measurable and provides so much confidence when preparing for these bold adventures we all love.
At City Mountaineering we want everyone to enjoy every trip to the fullest. We want clients to be safe and we want them to have a good time. The work the guys do at The Altitude Centre increases the chances of both being a success and something we strongly recommend to all clients how are looking to make sure they’ve done everything they can to prepare for their adventure.

This is where you need to start. A consultation with one of our experts will determine your bodies sensitivity to low oxygen. In your appointment we will talk to you about altitude, explain the risks and give you important tips and advice on how best to cope. We then perform a health review that includes monitoring you whilst passively breathing altitude air up to 5000m. This will give you a good idea as to how sensitive you are. We send detailed consultation notes following the appointment. You can also opt to have an active test where you get to exercise at simulated altitude under the guidance of one of our performance staff.
Hypoxic exercise sessions will let you experience what it is like to exercise at altitude. Just like fitness the more you do, the better you get. To pre-acclimatise for a trip to altitude we recommend regular sessions at least 3 weeks in advance of your trip.
These sessions utilise the IHE protocol. IHE stands for Intermittent Hypoxic Exposure, a technique of breathing short bursts of mountain air (up to 6,500m) through a mask, alternated with normal air. IHE is the quickest way to adapt to low oxygen. What’s more, no exercise is required!
The pre acclimatisation sessions kick start the adaptive process to enable you to cope with low oxygen and to be more efficient with the available air, the main adaptation is at a cellular level with improved mitochondrial function.
A 10 session package is our strong recommendation for a minimum amount of sessions ahead of trips to altitude or to help you achieve your health and sporting goals.
RENT A SYSTEM: From £225p/m
Rent a machine from The Altitude Centre and you can experience the benefits of altitude training up to 6,500m from the comfort of your own home.
Options available are either IHE (intermittent hypoxic exposure) , exercise or sleep formats. Full training and advice is provided. You can also combine the 3 different training formats mentioned above from the one machine.